Board Member Descriptions
President Job Description
As described in our By Laws, The president or co-presidents shall:
Preside at all meetings of this association, the executive board, and the executive committee;
Be a member ex-officio of all committees except the nominating committee and, if authorized to sign
Bhecks, the audit committee;
Sign all legal documents, including contracts (when co-presidents, only one co-president shall be a signer);
Appoint members to special committees;
Be responsible for other duties as may be assigned to him by the association, the executive board, or the executive committee;
Delegate the work of the association to other officers or chairmen as may be appropriate;
Coordinate the work of the officers and committees in order that the Purposes may be promoted; and
Have completed the Illinois PTA President's Course before election or within six (6) months of election.
Vice President Job Description
As described in our By Laws, The vice president or co-vice president shall:
The vice president shall act as aide to the president or co-presidents, and shall perform the duties of the president or co-presidents in the absence or inability of that officer to serve.
Secretary Job Description
As described in our By Laws, The secretary shall:
Record the minutes of all meetings of this association, the executive board, and the executive committee;
Have a current copy of the bylaws;
Have a current membership list;
Conduct correspondence of the association as directed; and
Perform such other duties as may be delegated.
Treasurer Job Description
As described in our By Laws, The treasurer  shall:
Receive all monies of this association and keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and keep
Records of membership
Place all monies in a depository approved by the executive board;
Pay out funds in accordance with the budget as approved by the membership and authorized by properly
Signed vouchers. Vouchers shall be signed by two (2) persons. Checks shall be signed by the treasurer and one (1) other duly elected and authorized officer.
Present a written financial statement at every meeting of the association and at other times as requested by the executive board making a full report at the general membership meeting in May.
Be responsible for the remittance of the state and national portion of the dues paid by each member as directed in ARTICLE V of these bylaws;
Provide the checkbook, all bank statements, canceled and voided checks, deposit slips, treasurer's record book and receipt book, vouchers and invoices for all disbursements to the audit committee;
Be responsible for completion and filing of appropriate forms as may be required by Internal Revenue Service Regulations no later than the date established by the regulations;
Not be a member of the audit committee; and
Complete an official Illinois PTA Financial workshop.
All Officers Shall:
have completed the Illinois PTA Road to Success Course before election or within six (6) months of their election;
Perform the duties prescribed in the parliamentary authority of this association in addition to those outlined in these bylaws and those assigned from time to time; and
Deliver to their successors all official material prior to the start of the fiscal year with the exception of the treasurer who will deliver materials at the conclusion of the annual audit.